Monday, November 24, 2008

Bunyoro king blames colonialists for the current conflicts in Africa.

By Julius Kyamanywa

The currents conflicts facing the African continent are due to the divisive policies that were designed by the former colonial masters according to Omukama of Bunyoro, Solomon Gafabusa Iguru. Iguru, while officiating at a Symposium for the Banyoro in the Diaspora at the Uganda Museum gardens on Sunday said the poor land policies by the whites were divisive.

“They designed policies that deprive Africans of their rights. The mile land policy was aimed at causing division and conflicts.” Iguru said.

He cited conflicts in Somalia and Democratic Republic of Congo as outcomes of the divisive policies designed by the former colonialists to keep Africa divided. He said Development will elude Africa unless they all unite. He advised Banyoro to be the first people to unite Ugandans by inviting neighbors.

Iguru also attributed the escalating tribal wrangles and clashes over land on these poor policies by the colonialists. He said efforts must be made to fight colonialism in Africa.

“The Banyole are being abused. They are still under the mile land policy”, he said adding that members of Parliament had done nothing to avert this unfairness. Birahwa Mukitale (Buliisa), Marble Bakaine (Bugangaizi) and Barnabas Tinkasiimire were the MPs present at the function.

The symposium was organized by the Banyoro living outside Bunyoro to brainstorm on the Bunyoro-Kitara Strategic Plan for Social Economic Development.

Others at the function were Kingdom Premier, Kiiza Alibankoha, deputy premier Eng. Yabezi Kiiza and the former Kingdom premier Israel Ndahura.

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